Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another Hectic Week

It has been few weeks i feel so stress. My migraine has been attacking me badly. I got to double up the pain killer dose. I've been sick for pass few days and i still need to work. I can't afford to absent from work even a day. Even with the bad condition, i still need to keep my smiley face and act like nothing is happening to me and in fact i am really not in a good mood...Feeling DOWN and i also don't know what's the reason...Hormonal change?

Without failing, sure something new will happens and need me to cover here and there. Like today, i really burst out a bit and my Ah Jie ask me to cool down. Well, my health has not been so well and try to stay strong and get the team to complete a project, but then someone will sure fail me and create some unnecessary shit.... Sometime i really feeling to give up. Really wanted to throw my tantrum in front of them or just pack my bag and go home ...

Need not to say on client end...Don't want to talk about them anymore, really fucked up.

Sorry for all the vulgar words i've used. I just need to vent it out.

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